Conformación material y discursiva del paisaje forestal actual de las áreas irrigadas del centro norte de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina
Mafferra, Luis Eduardo
Saldi, Leticia
Besio, Laura
(Universidad de Los Andes. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2023)
Chiral separation of propranolol by electrokinetic chromatography using nanodiamonds and human serum albumin as a pseudo-stationary phase in river water
Lanaro, Verónica Mariél
Sombra, Lorena Luján
Altamirano, Jorgelina Cecilia
Almeida, César Américo
Stege, Patricia Wanda
(Wiley-liss, div John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2024)
Reconstruction of Araucaria araucana cone production reveals warming intensifies regionally synchronized masting
Hacket Pain, Andrew
Roig Junent, Fidel Alejandro
Ascoli, Davide
LeQuesne, Carlos
Hadad, Martín Ariel
(Wiley, 2024)
Multidisciplinary studies of andean synorogenic deposits, unraveling the uplift sequences in the transition zone between flat and normal subduction
Suriano, Julieta
Mahoney, Brian J.
Giambiagi, Laura Beatriz
Aguilar, Andrea
Mescua, Jose Francisco
Lossada, Ana Clara
Buelow, Ellen K.
Kimbrough, David L.
Hoke, Gregory D.
Mazzitelli, Manuela Amelia
(Geological Society of America, 2017)
Observing glacier elevation changes from spaceborne optical and radar sensors – an inter-comparison experiment using ASTER and TanDEM-X data
Piermattei, Livia
Zemp, Michael
Sommer, Christian Guillermo
Brun, Fanny
Braun, Matthias H.
Andreassen, Liss M.
Berthier, Etienne
Bhattacharya, Atanu
Boehm Vock, Laura
Bolch, Tobias
Dehecq, Amaury
Dussillant, Inés
Falaschi, Daniel
Florentine, Caitlyn
Floricioiu, Dana
Ginzler, Christian
Guillet, Gregoire
Hugonnet, Romain
Huss, Matthias
Kääb, Andreas
King, Owen
Klug, Christoph
Knuth, Friedrich
Krieger, Lukas
La Frenierre, Jeff
McNabb, Robert
McNeil, Christopher
Prinz, Rainer
Sass, Louis
Seehaus, Thorsten
Shean, David
Treichler, Désirée
Wendt, Anja
Yang, Ruitang
(Copernicus Publications, 2024)
Mapping the Permian-Triassic Choiyoi silicic large igenous province in the Argentine Frontal Cordillera (~30°30’ S): Insigths from remote sensing and Zirzon U/Pb geochronology
Bertoa del Llano, Macarena
Mescua, Jose Francisco
Litvak, Vanesa Dafne
Kimbrough, David
Mahoney, J. Brian
Mackaman Lofland, Chelsea
Vanderleest, Rebecca A.
Echaurren Gonzalez, Andres
(Geological Society of America, 2024)